Display my collection of Victorinox and Wenger Swiss Army Knives with unique and interesting corporate logos. I buy and sell rare or interesting Swiss Army items! Email me if you are interested in one of my knives. Please add your contact info if you want a response from me. Google has disabled many of my high res photos when you click them. I am trying to fix them as I have time. Let me know if you want to see any photos that are not working yet.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Victorinox Classic - Swiss Air Force (SOLD)
I do not know if this is an official issue knife. It is a plain red Victorinox Classic Swiss Army knife with "Swiss Air Force" printed on the front scale. The back is plain.
Ich weiß nicht, ob das ein offizielles Problem-Messer ist. Es ist ein einfaches rotes Victorinox Klassisches schweizerisches Armeemesser mit der "schweizerischen Luftwaffe" gedruckt auf der Vorderskala. Der Rücken ist einfach.
No sé si este es un cuchillo de cuestión oficial. Esto es un cuchillo de Ejército suizo Clásico Victorinox rojo claro "con la Fuerza Aérea Suiza" imprimido por la escala delantera. La espalda es clara.