Display my collection of Victorinox and Wenger Swiss Army Knives with unique and interesting corporate logos. I buy and sell rare or interesting Swiss Army items! Email me if you are interested in one of my knives. Please add your contact info if you want a response from me. Google has disabled many of my high res photos when you click them. I am trying to fix them as I have time. Let me know if you want to see any photos that are not working yet.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Victorinox Cadet - Olive Green(Sold)
Here is an Alox Olive Green Victorinox Cadet. It has a different hue of green than the regular Green Alox Cadet and seems to be a little harder to find than the standard green.
Hier ist ein Alox olivgrün Victorinox Cadet. Es hat eine unterschiedliche Farbabstufung grün als die regulären Green Alox Cadet und scheint ein wenig schwieriger, als die Standard-grün zu finden sein.
Voici un Alox vert Olive Victorinox Cadet. Il a une teinte différente de vert que le vert régulière Alox des cadets et semble être un peu plus difficile à trouver que la norme vert.
Вот Alox оливковый зелёный Victorinox курсантов. Он имеет другой оттенок зеленого чем очередной Alox кадет Грин и кажется немного труднее найти чем стандарт зеленый.
Aquí es un cadete de Victorinox verde oliva. Tiene un tono diferente de color verde que el verde Cadet regulares y parece ser un poco más difíciles de encontrar que el estándar de color verde.