Display my collection of Victorinox and Wenger Swiss Army Knives with unique and interesting corporate logos. I buy and sell rare or interesting Swiss Army items! Email me if you are interested in one of my knives. Please add your contact info if you want a response from me. Google has disabled many of my high res photos when you click them. I am trying to fix them as I have time. Let me know if you want to see any photos that are not working yet.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Victorinox Red Alox Sailor - Rare model (SOLD)
Here is a rare Red Alox Victorinox "Sailor" model Swiss Army Knife. This model has 3 tools, a knife blade, a marlin spike and a wood saw. This one is brand new in the box.
Voici une rare rouge Alox Victorinox "Marin" modèle couteau suisse. Ce modèle a 3 outils, une lame de couteau, une pointe de marlin et un bois a vu. Celui-ci est nouveau dans la boîte.
Auf Deutsch, ist Hier ein seltener Roter Alox Victorinox "Matrose" modellieren schweizerisches Armeemesser. Dieses Modell hat 3 Werkzeuge, eine Messer-Klinge, eine marlin Spitze und ein Holz sahen. Dieser ist im Kasten neue Marke.
Вот это редкий Victorinox Alox красный "Матрос" модель швейцарский армейский нож. Эта модель имеет 3 инструменты, лезвия ножа, всплеска Марлин и видел дерева. Это является новой в поле.
En Español, Aquí está Alox rojo raro Victorinox "Marinero" modelan el Cuchillo de Ejército suizo. Este modelo tiene 3 instrumentos, una lámina de cuchillo, un punto de aguja y una madera vieron. Éste es flamante en la caja.
stainless steel,
swiss army knife,
swiss cross,
wood saw